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Coaching Is An Investment The Client Makes In Themselves To The Benefit Of Their Entire Life

There Are 2 Types Of People Who Hire Coaches;

Person 1: Is someone who is not doing well in an area of their life or career and wants to improve.

Person 2: Is someone who is doing well in an area and wants to take it to another level.

People hire coaches for many reasons. It could be someone who wants to improve their career prospects, or wants to learn how to communicate better with a colleague. Perhaps there’s a relationship challenge. Some people want to be better public speakers, or have a specific project they wish to deliver.

Coaching can assist with overcoming fears, breaking through limiting beliefs, achieving goals, improving relationships, improving health and driving home a specific outcome.

It can help a client learn about themselves, and what they care about. It can assist them to figure out what they want their life to be about and how to go about creating that life.

A person hires a coach not because they want to talk about their problems, or know why they do what they do, but to explore new ways to solve problems and develop new strategies for improving their results.


When clients first come to me, they aren’t quite sure where to start to find the answers to what they should be doing next within their businesses, leadership roles, careers, workplace relationships, personal relationships, family dynamics and more - and I love that I get to put my training to great use to help them find clarity, direction and the confidence to achieve the success they are wanting to experience within their lives, both professionally and personally.


Before starting to coach anybody, I like to do a good 30-40 min (free) talk to understand your needs, expectations and also to see whether we connect. The coaching relationship only works if there is absolute trust, if you are 100% committed to making the changes needed and if both parties are comfortable with each other, so this is a non-negotiable and very important part of us starting our time together.


​Curious how coaching will benefit you? 

The Benefits Of Working With A Coach

Anyone who has had the pleasure of working with their own personal coach will tell you it's been a challenging yet rewarding experience as they've been able to move through their current challenge with the support of having someone in their corner whilst they navigate different perspectives and it has allowed them to move through the challenge a lot quicker than if they'd try to go it alone - I mean, wouldn't you love to solve in an hour what it once took you days, weeks, months and sometimes even years?!

* Gives you clarity about what you want, why you want it and how you can get it.
* Bridges the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.
* You learn strategies, techniques and tools that can facilitate you reaching your desired outcome.
* Assists in helping you to overcome obstacles, low self-esteem or fear of failure/self sabotage.
* Helps you explore and evaluate possible options, ways forward and alternatives.
* Gives you dedicated time, support, encouragement, accountability and motivation.

A Surprising fact about life coaching is that you don’t need to know exactly what you want to work on for coaching to be effective. You can use coaching to explore a feeling of dissatisfaction, a sense of unease or simply to learn about what matters to you.
Sometimes having a firm goal can actually get in the way of the coaching, as the coaching may reveal there is more to explore and other goals that would be more appropriate, exciting, effective or desirable than originally thought.


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